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about Fatua

Fatua has been walking the holistic healing path for the past decade, and has been immersed in the medicine traditions of the Amazon and Andes of Peru since 2018. 


She was born as Romney on the east coast of USA, and decided to take on the name Fatua (meaning golden song) many years later as it is a name she shares with an ancient ancestor and it feels more empowering and grounding for her on her path.


After studying art in university in Colorado and diving into yoga trainings, Fatua moved to the island of Kauai to study massage therapy at the Pacific Center for Awareness and Bodywork. Her years living on island brought her to explore Hawaiian lomi lomi massage, reiki, harvesting plants to make herbal medicines at a farm, and teaching yoga at a local studio.


Intrigued by the healing power of plants, in 2018 she followed her heart to Peru to explore the medicinal plants and traditions of the Andes and Amazon rainforest. After her first ayahuasca ceremony sitting with the Shipibo lineage, she continues to learn the ways of the plants and medicine under the guidance of her native maestros (teachers), and partakes in the tradition of master plant dietas, which connect her with the songs, wisdom, and healing power of the plants.


Fatua is honored to carry the Amazonian frog medicine known as kambo, or “acate” as it is called by the indigenous Matses tribe. She learned how to serve and harvest the medicine in the jungle (without harming the frogs) with the native peoples, and has studied with teachers in the states as well. She serves kambo with great care and respect for the medicine and the people whom it originates from.


In addition to her passion for Amazonian medicine, she studied energetic healing that stems from the lineage of the Qero’ people in the high Andes mountains, and offers energy medicine (healing) sessions inspired by these teachings. 


Fatua lives months each year in the Amazon, facilitating at Novalis, a center for rainforest conservation, and cultural preservation in the region of Madre de Dios, Peru. She assists in hosting transformational, sacred medicine retreats with a diverse team of beautiful people native to the region.


At Novalis, she connected with Jane’, a mestizo woman and cacao farmer who lives up the river. With Jane’ and her friends at Novalis, Fatua created her business Soul Melody Cacao in 2019, sharing sacred cacao and supporting women in the Amazon, and a Mayan women’s collective in Guatemala as well.


Fatua is a certified psychedelic integration counselor through the Psyched Soul Psychedelic Integration Therapy Masters Program. She offers one on one therapeutic immersive containers for those embarking on journeys within the psychedelic realms, and those who want support in navigating the insights of their experiences, in a safe and introspective space to do so.


Aside from her work in the world of earth and plant medicines, Fatua has been initiated as a spirit medium through Shona traditions originating from Zimbabwe. She is passionate about exploring ancestral connection through mediumship & connects to her ancestors through ways such as African drumming, music, plant spirit communication, and prayer.


Fatua is a musician and songwriter, & plays the ukelele in addition to the African drums.

You can find her music on Spotify! She also has a podcast called This Mystical Life, where she explores the mystical and magical stories & traditions of people through various walks of life. She loves to be outdoors, cook delicious food, write music and poetry, and explore the world and immerse herself in various cultures. 


She travels often, and is currently based in Taos, New Mexico. 



Studies & Certifications

Certified Psychedelic Integration  Coach via the  Psychedelic Integration Therapy Master Program & Mentorship with Shiri Godasi of the Psyched Soul

Certified Kambo Practitioner with Boa Cowee, studied specialized kambo patient cases with Caitlin Thompson, harvested the medicine and learned in the Amazon rainforest with Johnny Java of the lineages Kichwa & Matses, as well as the Ibama tribe, a branch of the Matses, indigenous community

Sound healing & womb wisdom with Amma Sophia Rose of Sonic Love Alchemy

Certified shamanic practitioner with The Four Winds Light Body School founded by Alberto Villoldo 

Certified massage therapist at the Pacific Center for Awareness and Bodywork on Kauai, HI

& studied Lomi Lomi  with Wayne Kealohi Powell

Completed 1,000+ hours of yoga teacher training, including studying with master teachers Eddie Modestini and Kristen Bosteels of Yoga on the Inside

Reiki Attunements 1-3

African drumming and ancestor connection with Chris Berry, & ongoing drum study with Baba Fred Simpson

CPR informed


Current Studies

Ongoing apprenticeship & study with her Shipibo maestros in Pucallpa & Tambopata, Peru

Ongoing study with Shona teacher Samaita in Zimbabwe as an initiate into Shona mediumship traditions

Currently enrolled in TIC training center’s trauma informed course

Currently enrolled in School of Evolutionary Herbalism with Sajah Popham

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